Oakville Zen Meditation
#216 ZEN SAYING Feb. 28th 18

                                                            ZEN saying Feb. 28th 18 Make peace with the past & future (nothing you can do about them: too late for the first one, too early for the second.). The former is dead and […]

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#215 MEDITATION: a misunderstanding Feb. 24th -18

                                                   Meditation: a misunderstanding We are attracted to practice mindfulness meditation from many reasons:because of what we read from Google or were told by others or because we want more out of our life and ourselves. We want to be more peaceful, more centered, more balanced, more patient, more in control, wiser and more […]

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#214 ENLIGHTENMENT: when you think you are enlightened Feb. 18-18

                         Just when you think you’re enlightened  Sooner or later it’s going to happen...maybe. It might be the very first time you meditate or few years after a long and dedicated practice. But someday you are going to have some sort of spiritual, extra natural or weird experiences. These experiences come in many forms, […]

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#213 Few tips to keep a regular daily meditation practice Feb. 12 18

Few tips to keep a regular daily meditation practice Feb. 12 18 About yourself: Prioritize. You need to somehow insert into your brain that meditation is just as important as brushing your teeth, showering, eating, and reading, whatever it is. I think it’s amazing how much time we find to answer irrelevant email but how […]

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#212 ZEN Practice in few words Feb. 8th 18

                                              One way to think about Zen practice is: A total, non-judgmental awareness (mindfulness) which incorporates together body and mind in the present reality of the moment, that is in the same current space-time & doing the same thing. To do this: Dropping all illusions and experiencing things and people as they currently are without […]

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#211 DON'T fight your thoughts while meditating Feb 1 18

                                           Don’t fight your thoughts during meditation Can you stop your heart from beating or your kidneys for making urine? No While keeping your eyes open, can you stop seeing? No Can you stop thinking? No, even while meditating. This is a fake news. Our brain-mind that is hardware and software has 4 main duties: […]

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#210 AWAKENING INVENTORY using a scoring system Feb. 3rd 18

               “Awakening inventory” using a scoring system     www.mindfulnesszenmeditation.ca Are you “awake” or close to “awakening”? Please note: this is a very rough, non-scientific and limited inventory that may help you or not to assess your journey. The highest score the closest to “awakening”. Score the following statements as: Strongly disagree=1 Disagree=2 Neutral =3  Agree=4 Strongly […]

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