Oakville Zen Meditation
#533 Mind-Body connection: how to explore your emotions by reading your body. Dec. 22th 24

MInd-body connection: how to explore your emotions by reading your body Oriental and Zen Buddhism consider the Mind and Body as an unbreakable single unit in which each part affects the other one continuously and at different degrees. Body functions, thoughts, and emotions are the jobs of our subconscious and conscious mind. If thinking does […]

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#532: Negative feelings: pamper them! Dec. 15th 24

 Negative feelings: Pamper them!....the Zen way. Negative feelings are an important part, if not the default mode of our emotional mind.  They can be permanent, transient, intense, or shallow.  To name a few: regret, guilt, anger, worry, jealousy, sadness, anxiety, hopelessness, apathy, depression, pain, etc..the list is endless. Remember this: Negative feelings do not explain […]

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#531 Dealing with impermanence Dec. 7th 24

  Dealing with impermanence  Zen says: “ Enjoy the best of the good because it will not stay.  Accept the worst of the bad because it will not last” While dying from mushroom poisoning, Amanda, the fidel servant of the Buddha asked him:  “Teacher: What is your most important teaching over the last 50 years?” Without […]

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