Symptoms of Awakening
There are few symptoms of Awakening/Enlightenment, indicating that a transformation is taking place within you towards the highest level of consciousness helping you to experience your true self and concrete reality of life. You are starting to control your mind-made illusions and negative emotions. Here are few cues in a not specific order. You may be familiar with some of them.
You become less worried about things, people and events.
You encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life .
Your mind is not travelling all the time in the past stuck with nostalgia, and regret or in the future full of unknown events which do not exist.
You are more mindful to the present moment where your body is and what he is doing.
That means that your mind and body are one entity rather then having the mind somewhere else
In other words, you are no any more on autopilot doing things automatically while your mind
is running around here and there. When you eat, put your mind with your month and taste the food.
You pay more attention to your thoughts, negative emotions, judgments when they come up. Then you accept them and let go. They are just mind noise.
You realize that everything is transient that you like it or not.
You look at things, people ad events as they are and not as you want them to be.
You are conscious that you have no control of them.. It give you peace and
Forgiveness and controlling anger become easier.
You appreciate interacting with Nature such as talking with trees.
You feel deeper empathy and compassion toward yourself as key to do the same to others.
You meditate daily and use mindfulness to freeze your boiling mind as often as possible.
You pay attention to your desires, aversions and illusions. They are attachments, main source of our unhappiness ,suffering and restless mind.
Loneliness and silence do not bother you, yet, you appreciate solitude once a while.
Once a while doing nothing is OK.
You are watching watch the rat race and appreciate that you are not one of them anymore.
Your ego is your friend but also your worse enemy. Let go what he wants, what he is grasping and what he does not want.
You are not multitasking as much as before.