Awakening: what is it? & how to experience it?
What is it?
Being Awakened or Enlightened means to free ourselves from our permanent daydreaming state
that is, not being a prisoner of our wandering mind-made fictional world main source of “suffering”.
1)Directly in a mindful way, by observing, then by letting them go, our thoughts, and
feelings are sources of ongoing desire, aversion, illusion, delusion, and negativities,
all of them being the main factors of so-colled suffering and negativities.
2)Indirectly by experiencing the genuine, factual realities of the current surrounding moment
using our 5 sensorial receptors. In other words, bringing our wandering mind to where our body is,
and what it is doing. i.e. when I am eating, my mind is eating with my body and is not elsewhere.
3)Both approaches can be achieved, at the same time, by daily practice of mindfulness-based
When you step out of your streaming compulsory thinking,
You no longer believe everything you think,
You become the observer of the thinker, and, therefore,
You realize that you are more than that.
The observer, like a mirror, becomes “thoughtless”, and “thoughtlessness ” is pure consciousness.
mother of awareness. It is called “True / Genuine Self”
Controlling thinking does not mean becoming stupid, but simply not completely identifying with our thinking, when such thinking is dominated by virtual, fictional thoughts, feelings, and conceptual mindsets made of cliches, labels, and opinions.
It means also to open the door to serenity and equanimity.
According to Descartes, critical thinking is important, but being critical about our thinking in quantity and quality is also important, if not, more important.
Probably, the next step in human evolution will be to transcend thought and feeling.
Awakening exists already inside all of us when we decide to be aware of our endless daydreaming
and escape from it, at least temporarily.