Oakville Zen Meditation
#358 Breathing: a miracle moment 8/8/21

Breathing: A Miracle Moment First, we sit comfortably on a cushion or a chair. Then we keep your back erect without straining or overarching and keep your chin horizontal. Close your eyes. If not, gaze gently a few feet in front of you w/o staring. Aim for a state of alert relaxation. Take three or […]

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#357 How to apply mindfulness in dealing with our suffering.

How to apply mindfulness in dealing with our suffering Edited from a Dharma talk by Thich Nhat Hanh Dealing with our suffering using the usual “fight”: We try our best to get rid of it our suffering. Psychologists like the expression, “getting it out of your system.” which is venting the cause of suffering. Some […]

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#356 The practice of Awareness July 25th

The practice of awareness One of the first Zen practices I learned from my teachers was the practice of awareness. I am not talking about cognitive-based awareness such as “Yes I am aware of this or that meaning I know “. In this example, awareness is just an automatic recall process from our data-based knowledge. […]

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#355 The 4 foundations of mindfulness as taught by the Buddha. Jul. 18-21

The four foundations of Mindfulness as taught by the Buddha To be mindful is to pay attention / contemplate something w/o further judgmental, analytic, and decisional processes. It can be on a material object, thought, emotion, behavior. The 4 foundations of mindfulness are the fundamental teachings of the Buddha on meditation as the way to […]

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#354 Mindfulness in motion Jul 12 21

      Mindfulness in motion The first time I met my second Zen teacher was in his kitchen,14 years ago. He was peeling potatoes. Being absorbed with what he was doing, he did not notice me. I watched him for almost 1 min. and was puzzled how slow his movements were. It was like watching a […]

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#353 The power of equanimity June 27 21

    The power of equanimity How do we sustain our sanity in the face of sudden internal and external challenges? In Zen Buddhist the answer is equanimity. For many, the word equanimity implies passivity, coolness, indifference, even sort of  “whatever” . The Pali word for equanimity is upekkha, which is effectively translated as” balance”. Visualize […]

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#352 Our Inner prosecutor Jun. 20 21

If we leave our inner prosecutor that I will call Mrs./Mr. Negativity, unrecognized and unchecked, it creates a pattern of negative emotional roller coaster that can undermine our well-being and destroy our serenity. This prosecutor will accuse you of what we did /didn’t, should do/don’t with many negative feelings as consequence.  These negative feelings are […]

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#351 Maxim: a friend, a Zen Master Jun.13th 21 by Gaurav.

Zen master If you look at the meaning of the word Maxim it is a ‘short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct’. I found it very fitting. The concept of a master or guru is central to many eastern philosophies. The idea is simple – in the world of darkness we need […]

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#350 Thinking thoughtlessly Ju. 06 21

Dialogue between a student and teacher about 3 topics: About suffering: Zen says that desire, hate, and illusions are the main causes of suffering and I have to be mindful of them in order to have better control of my emotions and delusion. Right? YES But if I want to control my desires, hate or […]

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#349 How the ego intellectualizes existence by Angela May 30 21

                               How the ego intellectualizes existence  Angela I am struggling with the contrast between the roles that I perform, the clinging and aversion that are attached to these roles, and the desire to be free of it all.  I know that my roles are just social constructs and are not “real” but as a mother, […]

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