Oakville Zen Meditation

Dharma Lecture

#213 Few tips to keep a regular daily meditation practice Feb. 12 18

Few tips to keep a regular daily meditation practice Feb. 12 18 About yourself: Prioritize. You need to somehow insert into your brain that meditation is just as important as brushing your teeth, showering, eating, and reading, whatever it is. I think it’s amazing how much time we find to answer irrelevant email but how […]

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#212 ZEN Practice in few words Feb. 8th 18

                                              One way to think about Zen practice is: A total, non-judgmental awareness (mindfulness) which incorporates together body and mind in the present reality of the moment, that is in the same current space-time & doing the same thing. To do this: Dropping all illusions and experiencing things and people as they currently are without […]

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#211 DON'T fight your thoughts while meditating Feb 1 18

                                           Don’t fight your thoughts during meditation Can you stop your heart from beating or your kidneys for making urine? No While keeping your eyes open, can you stop seeing? No Can you stop thinking? No, even while meditating. This is a fake news. Our brain-mind that is hardware and software has 4 main duties: […]

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#210 AWAKENING INVENTORY using a scoring system Feb. 3rd 18

               “Awakening inventory” using a scoring system     www.mindfulnesszenmeditation.ca Are you “awake” or close to “awakening”? Please note: this is a very rough, non-scientific and limited inventory that may help you or not to assess your journey. The highest score the closest to “awakening”. Score the following statements as: Strongly disagree=1 Disagree=2 Neutral =3  Agree=4 Strongly […]

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#209 When, where and how do you have fun....arnaud?

                                       When, where and how do you have "fun" Arnaud? D, a very good friend of mine leaving in San Francisco told me the following over the phone: “Practicing Zen Buddhism for many years at the San Francisco Zen center and reading your blogs, I found that Zen philosophy and its Zen Masters teachers are […]

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#208 :"Are you blind"! About our emotional outbursts

                                             Are you blind? About our emotional outbursts  Few months ago, I was walking downtown Oakville, with my arms full of stuff when someone roughly bumps into me so hard that my groceries went all over the ground. As I picked up the puddle of broken eggs and tomato juice, I was ready to […]

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#207 Zen serenity as taught by a little dog Jan. 6th 18

                                                  Zen serenity as taught by a little dog     Our 10-year-old wonderful Shih Tzu named Zap is a perfect example of calmness & serenity except when he is asking to go out for a pee or when time for food […]

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#206 Mind-made 6 poisons Jan 1st 18

                                                                   Mind-Made 6 poisons   The main roadblock against inner peace and serenity is our ego-driven mind  Our “I, ME, MYSELF and MINE” are critical for identification, survival, protection, enhancement, pleasure, procreation and many more other functions. This is wonderful but..... Zen Buddhism considers our little self that is “I” is also the main cause […]

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#205: Meditation: its 2 most common obstacles

                                                Meditation: its 2 most common obstacles    As long you have been meditating, for 80 years or 2 weeks, all of us are encountering the extremes of drowsiness and agitation during the practice. Drowsy or agitated mind are the 2 most frequent obstacles in meditation. From time to time, it is impossible to escape […]

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#204 Meditation: an update from neurosciences studies

                                         Meditation: an update from Neuroscience studies   Mindfulness is paying attention moment- to- moment to ourselves and our environment w/o analytic and decisional purpose. During the past 25 years or so neurosciences have been very productive in trying to understand how mindfulness works. But, like for any scientific research, some studies regarding mindfulness […]

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