Oakville Zen Meditation

Dharma Lecture

#192 ABSOLUTE vs. VIRTUAL REALITY Sept. 17th 17

Reality: absolute vs. virtual The main goal of Zen Buddhism’s practice is to experience mindfully and in the moment our surrounding reality or truth using our senses because it is the only absolute one. The other so-called “reality” is mind-made opinion or judgment and therefore called relative truth. Example: 2 guys are separated by a […]

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                                                      Boredom is a great opportunity Boredom is a feeling of displeasure, impatience and emptiness arising out of a conflict between a constant need for physical /mental activity, distraction, connection and lack of incitement to it, or inability to be incited. Boredom is a frequent because we cannot tolerate not being busy doing something whatever […]

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#190 I AM ENTANGLED ! PIC. Aug. 3oth 17


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#189 SUFFERING Part 2 The 8th Foldpath (4th Noble )Truth

                               Suffering Part 2:  The 8Th Foldpath to seek & achieve Nirvana Some 2500 years ago, few days before dying the Buddha ( the awakened one ) declared: "I teach suffering, its origin, its cessation and path to cessation. That's all I teach". He was around 83 years […]

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#189 Your consultation with Dr. Buddha (nickname for the awakened one)

                 Your medical appointment with Doctor Siddharta Gautama : nickname "the Buddha" Your complain(s) presented your doc: Dissatisfaction, unhappiness, dislike, anger, worries, sadness, fear, anxiety, grief, disease, aging, pain, etc All of these cause suffering. Diagnosis of your disease = "First Noble Truth/ Reality" Life contains physical & mental "suffering". This is not pessimism, just […]

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#188 SUFFERING: What, how & freedom from Aug. 20th 17 Part 1

                                            Suffering: What, How and Freedom from   Part 1 Four Noble Truths also called Noble Realities in modern versions Suffering & its causes exist in life, whatever we do. This is not doom& gloom, just reality. Suffering arises from 1) desire/ graving, 2) hatred/aversion and 3) Ignorance, which […]

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#187 Plunge your being into what you are doing Aug. 6 17

                                             Plunge Your Being into What You Are Doing Plunging our own life into what we are doing sounds obvious since we are learning over and over since kindergarten to be focused. It looks that we are doing this all the time. Is it fact or just a perception? Think twice and you will […]

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#186 Self-compassion is not self-pity July 30 17

                                               Self-compassion is not self-pity The word compassion comes from the French compassion and before Latin word “compati” /compasio:   com= together, pati or patio = suffering /pain. The exact meaning is “ suffering with”. The Dalai Lama is advocating over and over learning and expressing compassion first for self so we can to […]

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#185: Why it is so hard to stay happy all the time? July 23th 17

                                              Why it is so hard to stay happy all the time? It is a fact: all of us are experiencing mood swings up down, up down, all the time. There are many obvious reasons to be down and depressed such as when a disaster is striking but our mind can be moody even without […]

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#184 Past-Present-Future: a dialogue with Harish Verma (Sat. group)

Here is a great question from Harish Verma, one of our Sat. meditation group. Re your talk on Saturday, I fully understand and agree with the importance of remaining in "the present". I also realize that devoting your attention to the past and the future can sap away the dynamism and vitality you need for […]

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