Oakville Zen Meditation

Dharma Lecture

#183 Present moment: why it is important?

    Present moment: why it is important?   2500 years old Zen Buddhism and now modern medical research are stressing the beneficial impacts of living in the present moment and be mindful to its various components. What is the present moment? It is just now, not 3 min. before, not five min. after. Based on […]

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#182 Finding happiness: why it is so hard?

                             Do you know why it is so hard to stay happy all the time"?   1) Maybe it is because we refuse to accept then let go of the things that make us sad,      angry, jealous, resentful and worried and for which there is almost no solution.       Accepting is not failing, it […]

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#181 AWAKENING: what is it exactly?

                                                        Awakening: what is it exactly? Siddharta Gautama nickname the Buddha was born on 623 BCE. He was the son of a local king near the current border of India and Nepal. This […]

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#180 MEDITATION: how do I know I am progressing? July 2nd 17

                                                Meditation: How do I know I am progressing? The purpose of meditation is to improve our quality of life that is 1) being able to have a better control of our stress and 2) to control our restless […]

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Be careful about Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD in psychiatry )! The "past you" is dead and the "future you" is not born yet. Only the "present you" is alive and real. Don't let your mind splitting yourself all the time in many fictional templates /avatars . The "present you" is the purest form of awakening. […]

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#178 LOVE & ATTACHMENT A Zen perspective June 25th 17

                                                     Love & Attachment: a Zen perspective Which constitute true and genuine love? Contrary to others spiritual sources, Zen Buddhist literature does not specifically answer this question but rather look at the attributes and attitudes of what the practice should be and what attachment means. In the […]

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#177 Our mind is a movie theater June 12th 17

                                                     Our mind is a 24/7movie theater One of the best ways to explain how our mind works is t use the analogy of a movie theater. When we are watching the giant screen in the dark, we are almost totally absorbed by the story, plot, characters, script, sound, music, momentum and special effects. […]

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#176 Letting go vs. Clinging Our " mental banana traps" May 29th 17

                                                Letting go vs. clinging : our mental banana traps “Letting go”. 2 words which carry an automatic negative meaning such as “giving up”, cowardice and even failure. To let go without resisting with a good fight is simply not acceptable in our secular Western society. Obviously there are situations where resisting and fighting […]

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#175 NIRVANA: Nothing holy about it May 22th 17

                                                          Nirvana: nothing holy about it What does the Internet say about Nirvana? Nirvana is an ecstatic state in which there is no suffering, no desire, nor sense of self. It represents the final goal of Buddhist practice. The synonyms are: paradise, pleasure, heaven, bliss, ecstasy, peace, and serenity enlightenment. This definition is totally misleading. […]

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#174 Experiencing the wonders of the present moment May 16th 17

                                             Experiencing the wonders of the present moment " Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. This is why we call it "present" This present moment is the only existing, real and concrete space -time in which we are alive and the only moment we can connect and experience […]

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