Serenity: what is it, how to build it Serenity is not happiness. Serenity is our self-created inner peace. This is a permanent state of mind rather than a transient emotion like our usual happiness. On the other hand, our quest for […]
Serenity: what is it, how to build it Serenity is not happiness. Serenity is our self-created inner peace. This is a permanent state of mind rather than a transient emotion like our usual happiness. On the other hand, our quest for […]
Happiness: What does it mean? A Zen perspective “We are happy if we get or do what we want” Where is the problem? “If “ is the problem: it creates a condition. The dictionary describes happiness as an emotional state of joy, pleasure and delight, a feeling that life is good. […]
I will be happy IF: I got what I am looking for ....and don't get what I am avoiding. I do what I want to do .... and don't do what I don't want to do. He/She will nicer, smarter, richer, younger.... Etc....... By putting condition to happiness that is IF, […]
Suffering: Definition, causes and cessation During his 50 years of public speaking, the Buddha (aka the awakened one) said many times that his is 2 main teachings are about human suffering and impermanence of people and things. The word suffering is a very restrictive translation of the Sanskrit word “Dukkha” founded in Zen Buddhism literature. […]
KARMA: Intention, action and effects Part 1 Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning “action”. The law of karma refers to the sequence: cause (intention) produces action which induces effect. Every good/bad volitional thought or action will bring a certain good/bad result in the short or long term future. If my thoughts or behaviors […]
Common problems encountered during meditation Asked if he is struggling sometimes while meditating the Dalai Lama replied: “ If I don’t struggle, I don’t meditate well” While practicing meditation, it is normal, even after many years, to encounter problem, difficulties and frustration. The best way to quit meditation is to judge how you are […]
Mindset = Mind trap A Zen perspective Definition: an established set of beliefs, ideas, concepts, and opinion held by someone or a group of people. We all have a mindset about almost everything: weather, diet, events, religion, politic, people, etc and our thinking, judgments, attitude and actions are greatly influenced by it. Opposite […]
FEW WORDS ABOUT MEDITATION "Meditation doesn't remove pain, unhappiness, dissatisfaction or alleviate the negative energy flowing through your body and the world. Contrary to what we read, Meditation does not bring happiness. However, with discipline and steady practice, Meditation will relieve stress, anxiety and suffering, not by changing our outer environment that we cannot […]
Happiness vs. Serenity. Is there a difference? Too often we equate happiness with serenity but their origin, meaning and purpose are totally different. To achieve serenity, it is important to differentiate them. Happiness (end of XVI c= hap= “good fortune/luck “ is a genetically programmed, ego driven, genuine and transient emotional reaction whereas serenity […]
Physical Wellness : Healthy body for an healthier mind Wellness has 3 components: physical, mental and spiritual for believers. Since body and mind are interrelated an healthy body will promote an healthy mind. We talked a lot about mental wellness over the last few months; today I will address its physical part. Physical wellness means […]